Anglachel Telvanni

Your friendly DDD
Dunmer Drug Dealer

DunmerAlchemistChaotic NeutralThe Apprentice


-Communication with mushrooms
-Drug resistance
-Immunity to poison
-Martial Arts


Born as the youngest daughter of a Telvanni Magister, Anglachel lived her life under the shadow of her older sister. Feeling all doom and gloom, she found her joy in mushrooms.A natural misfit, she always saw herself as an odd addition to the many wizards in Sadrith Mora; She spoke to her mushrooms, she made them consume her enemies alive.Her odd abilities were soon noticed, having studied with divayth fyr himself, she never showed interest in the common mad-wizard goals of achieving supreme power or transcendence. She was called a waste of potential back in the day.

Anglachel does not believes in deities, only in truth. And reality is easily warped by the eyes of those who see it, therefore she chose to twist her mind with her bizarre potions in order to find real enlightenment, if such a thing is possible.She once was a Telvanni Master Wizard, but her apathy towards the House duties and ego debates made her abandon her old life, noticing she was not made to follow others expectations.Being old enough to scare your grandma, she still looks very young thanks to magickal abuse, having to constantly consume dangerous elixirs to preserve her extended youth.


Of average stature for a Dunmer, Anglachel is extremely thin, her body small in comparison to her head; just like a mushroom!Her messy black hair is usually cut in many different layers, giving it a voluminous appearance that alongside her big round glasses that she is rarely seen without give her a characteristic appearance, easily recognizable.Her nose is round and her features delicate, with small lips and gloomy eyes.Anglachel is never without her favorite red scarf, it seems to hold a deep emotional value for her.

Height: 1.70m (5' 7")
Weight: 45kg (88lbs)
BMI: 15,5
Eye colour: Deep Red
Skin tone: Greyish
Hair colour: Black

Anglachel can be described as reckless, immoral, and too eager to satisfy her own needs to care about others. She was raised in a life of privilege, her mother never able to say no to her requests; which means she is terribly spoiled, hating to listen the cursed word "NO".It may be easy to antagonise such a figure, a Telvanni wizard too busy with her own delusions to see the reality. Anglachel lives in her own little world.Why care about outsiders and inferior minds when one can lock themselves in a lab and craft poisons strong enough to melt an orc's skull?

As a result of her drug abuse, Anglachel is addicted and never down to earth, affecting her perception of her surroundings and reflexes, making her reactions slow and communicating difficult.Although she has many troubles, and many enemies as well, she is a quite endearing person, with a stupid sense of humor and always ready to crash a party. Plus she loves going on long researches of different Fungi outside of Morrowind just for the sake of her sanity, staying in Sadrith Mora around those grumpy Dunmers can ruin even the most stoned mind.


-Anglachel is quite the comical relief of a party, she can be found anywhere really! Random encounters would not be uncommon.- She sells potions, living isolated in her tower; and also produces drugs, her residence is a well known spot to buy all sort of bizarre things to make you think you are the Queen of Summerset. A customer is always welcome.- Family business sucks, and being bothered by annoying Telvanni Mages is even worse, but she can not avoid the responsibilities sometimes and is forced to appear in their parties; Are you a relative? Maybe a cousin? I am sorry for you, of course she is drunk during dinner.

OOC Info

You can call me Corv. I am an angsty guitarist with a taste for tragedy, romance and poetry.
I an artist as well and accept commissions, plus I am working in a comic about Hexen (Another Oc of mine), having released a few pages already.
Usually online at discord around 18h (BRT) I rather roleplaying there instead of ESO, but I can definitely rp ingame too.
Discord: Lightsbane#6710
ESO ID: Lightsb4ne

All art by me
Thank you for reading